Q.Wich game will Bfme:Expansions work with?
A.EA Games Real time Strategy Game, The Battle for Middle-Earth

Q.When is the expected release date?

Q.Is there going to be a BETA?
A.Yes, We are going to have a BETA, When is not yet desided.

Q.How can i get in to the BETA?
A.The most active fans and/or loyal members of Expansions will be taken in to consideration first.

Q.What new factions will be added?
A.The public annouced factions are, Elves, Shire, Morgul, Harad, Rhun, Moria

Q.Will the existing factions get any changes?
A.Yes, The existing factions will gain many new units & heros. Aswell as mini-factions for each of them.

Q.What is unique about this mod compared to others?
A.In Expansions we add quite a few things that makes us unique. Some of these things are:
*Naval Warfare.
*6+ completely new factions, Each with there own unique mini-factions.
*New units & heros for each of the existing factions.
*Mini-Factions for each of the existing factions.
*Many new maps of locations of middle-earth.
*+ Many more

Q.Is it going to use minifactions?
A.Yes, Expansions has a mini-faction system.

Q.Arent minifactions already un-unique?
A.Its true that the mini-faction idea is already a little un-unique.
Expansions has a completely new idea on how the mini-factions will be introduced in to gameplay.

Q.Does it use 2nd Age units? Why?
A.Yes, We have some 2nd age units/heros making appearances in the mod.
Why? Well, We have no exact reason.

Q.How are the factions balanced?
A.Balancing will be perfected by BETA Testing.

Q.How much of the modification is already done?
A.About 65% of the modification is complete, Although we have many plans ahead for Expansions.

Q.Are you planning on increasing the population capacity?
A.Yes, The population capacity will be increased. Except instead of them
just beingincreased there will be a building called House (each faction
has a different name for the house though) this building
Will increase the population limit by atleast 5-10per house.

Q.Im interested in helping expansions, How can i get involved?
A.Im glad you are interested, Please see the Jobs page.

Q.Will there be new audio ingame?
A.Yes, Units & Heros will have unique audio.

Q.Will we be able to zoom in and out more than we originally could?
A.Yes, You will be able to zoom in much closer & out much further.

Q.Will there be naval units?
A.Yes, Expansions will introduce Naval units.

Q.How will the naval be introduced?
A.There will be a naval plot introduced in to the game. On this you will be able to build
a Naval Yard(Name to change)This will then allow you to buy ships.

Q.Will there be any new beasts/creatures?
A.Yes, Dragons will be included.
A2.Yes, The watcher in the water will be included.

Q.Will we be able to build anywhere?
A.No & Yes, Build anywhere will be allowed for mini-factions only. Your main faction sticks with the castle and plot system.

Q.Will we be able to play this mod online?
A.Yes, but only with others who are running the mod aswell.

Q.Will there be new maps introduced?
A.Yes, We hope to include many new maps.